Sunday, November 28, 2010

A Journey to the Center of the Mind- orig. post 6/24/07

One occasion when I really wanted to butt into a conversation occurred this morning. The conversation involved two people who are the type that believe they are smarter than others because they read the newspaper and watch cable news instead of American Idol. The opinions were those of little depth, proffered in a manner that suggested the world's ills would be cured if only "they'd" listen.

In particular, an opinion involving tort reform truly annoyed me. One of the participants, speaking in an impassioned tone, insisted all frivolous lawsuits would end if the plaintiffs, in the event of a defeat, were forced to pay the legal costs of the defendants.

Let's puncture this one with a hypothetical scenario: Say Tony, a humble 40-hr/wk. worker, suddenly has growing on his forehead a malignant tumor shaped like an enlarged jagged bottle cap. It turns out this tumor could be directly linked to tap water tainted from dumping by an evil conglomerate. Tony sues, but his 1-800 attorney proves no match for the mega-talented legal sharks the defendants have hired, who charge an Armada's worth of legal fees. Tony has to pay. The newspapers dutifully note this. Word gets out. Deal with your shrinking testicles and your third breast- it'll be less painful than filing a lawsuit.

People should really be more critical of the opinions espoused on talk shows. "People with extraordinary minds talk about ideas. People with average minds talk about events. People with simple minds talk about other people."- Anonymous.

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